Images credit above: ©Paige Crawley
Personal or Couple
- mentoring
- life coaching
- career & relationship advice
Tell us your favorite films & let us help you follow your dreams!
What does your favorite movie say about you?
Well, we can help. You are the main character in the movie of your life…
Design your life movie with
C.W. Studios!
You have a subconscious attraction to your favorite films, because they tell you something about who you are.
You didn't find your favorite movies, they actually found you. They found you and they’re telling you about your subconscious life. Put yourself in the shoes of the character in your favorite film, and learn that you are actually the main character in your own life story. When you start to understand this, you can write your own story the way you want to, find fulfillment in all areas in your life, and chase your wildest dreams.
Want to know yourself even more?
Let's go deeper...
Unlock your life by way of your favorite movie, and let's make Hollywood history!
Schedule a 1 on 1 Session with C.W. Stone, tell him your favorite films, and follow him into your brand new life...
…and the best part is, your first session is FREE!
Watch the video below to learn more!

Design your life movie!
C.W. on Health in the Real World Show & Podcast
Watch C.W. speak about a what a one-on-one session with C.W. Studios looks like, and what you can expect in your session! He speaks with health and fitness coach Chris Janke of Health in the Real World to help you chase your dreams.
This episode of Health in the Real World was sponsored by C.W. Studios
C.W. Studios continues to sponsor and collaborate with Chris Janke, My Core Balance & Health in the Real World.
Health in the Real World Podcast brings together personal trainers, doctors, motivational speakers, massage therapists, chiropractors, weight loss gurus, clients, acupuncturists, and inspirational, healthy people of all kinds.
Chris Janke has been a personal trainer and group fitness instructor since 2004.
Welcome to Health in the Real World.
"A big thank you to Cory Stone for joining me on Health in the Real World today. Cory is the founder of C.W. Studios, a lifestyle website that helps people chase their dreams and access their full potential. Fitness helped Cory get to know himself. During this time he was relying on high intensity interval training. Cory says it's important to know your limits, and in reality you don't have limits. With HIIT, you can maximize your workouts to be the most efficient in the least amount of time. Fitness helps you to understand your body and your preferences. If you want to be in this for the long-term, you need to take care of your body. Cory helps to coach you in your life by talking about your favorite movie. He can learn about you as a person, such as what barriers are blocking your way, why you are relating to this film. He helps you to break that down, which helps you to build out your world. What do you want to do in your life? How do you manage those thoughts in your head? This is life coaching through movies! It’s possible to use a film to become enlightened! Ultimately, you are the main character of your life, you just haven't seen the whole movie yet.

No, this is not a page about the movie Contact,
though it should be.
Want to reach out? Here’s how.
You can chat with us directly below!
Social Media
Connect with and follow C.W. Studios on all popular platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, TikTok & Snapchat. @cwstonestudios
Email C.W. Studios @ corystone62@gmail.com
Text or call us at the C.W. Studios Hotline!
(213) 973-8018
Serious Inquiries Only

Follow our journey.
Can I leave the website without finishing the tour?
Yes! Of course you can. C.W. Studios is meant, like the C.W. Bar, to be digested in your own time and at your own speed. It might be too rich or too sweet for one whole sitting. So come back whenever you may need. In a day, in a week, in a month, it’s entirely up to you. Just bring your Golden Ticket with you when you sign in at The Gates. But do plan on walking all the way through eventually.
There’s a lot you’ll miss, and so much to see!
When is C.W. Studios opening to the public?
C.W. plans to open his Studio when he can get The Vault sealed and is able to make enough chocolate to send out to the whole world. The Studio will open hopefully by the end of summer 2020. Until then, use up as much as you need. Eat and see as much as you want, before it gets too busy that you won’t even be able to breathe.
Is this all for real ?
It couldn’t be more real if you poked it with a two-foot stick! It is a lifestyle website that celebrates a simple human being and his dream.
A slice of Americana. A Glamourama. And no no no no drama.
So go tell your mama!
Is C.W. Studios a real Studio?
Definitely and defiantly! It is a real place for him. If you would like to believe in the magic too, please feel free to.
Who is C.W.?
The world knows him as Charlie Wonka. Writer, Producer, Director, Creator, Owner, & C.E.O of C.W. Studios! The one who inherited Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory as a young boy. He is now grown and has focused his efforts into a Studio. A Studio that is multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, and quasi-professional. His close friends and family know him as Cory William Stone, but you can call him C.W.
What does C.W. hope to achieve?
C.W. hopes to achieve, not only promotion of his business, work, and writing, but also positive well-being in the form of entertaining. He wants to see a community build around C.W. Studios, but mostly, he wants to be able to be free to love movies, do his thing, and someday to have his own work make it to the big screen. Have you heard of having your cake and eating it, too? Well, that’s what he aims to do.
Who does C.W. think he is?
He thinks he is a man who works hard, is determined, has a positive attitude, has a touch of faith, and carries a whole head of imagination to see his dreams come true. He believes he has the right as a free man, with life, and liberty, to pursue happiness and manifest a new reality for himself. Lucky for you, you get to watch it all unfold in real time and watch history being made with your own two little eyes!
What do I do with my chocolate C.W. Bar?
You can try to eat it and digest it. If you tried that already and it isn’t working for you, you can put it on your fridge, place it on a shelf, use it as a paper weight on your desk, or simply throw it away in the trash. But, we would advise against that, as the C.W. Bar contains a secret recipe that you will learn about at the Studio. Save it! It will be worth a lot of money one day.
Can I actually go into The Vault?
I wouldn’t if I were you... *Wink. Wink*
Contact us.
C.W. Studios

Want to support the cause?
Donate Here
Option One
Donate to yourself. You can start by buying something nice for yourself or taking time out of your busy schedule for things you love to do. Take a walk, call a friend, find a hobby. Why? Because you deserve it, that’s why. Go ahead and shop around online, find something that catches your eye, and buy something that you love. Something that makes you love life, and a treasure that makes you love yourself! Along with that, C.W. Studios will continue to be better and brighter, to bring a grander future to you and yours.
Option Two
Donate to someone else. There are people and organizations who deeply need help in this world, and many causes to support in making the world a better place. So if you do not want to donate to yourself, make someone else happy, by gifting or donating. As for us, we do not accept donations. There are plenty of people who could use your love instead! C.W. made the Studio because he needed to, and didn’t know how else to express his love for music and movies. He hopes you love them, and his Studio. All he hopes to do, is to Pay It Forward and hopes you can too.
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Broadcasting Live from C.W. Studios.
Monday to Sunday.
7 days a week.
All the time.
Until C.W.’s inevitable death.

Thanks for making contact. Now go watch…
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