Growing in Animation…

The Electronic Dream Plant
play me.
and continue into C.W.’s life…
& bedroom, when he was a boy.

“water me. give me sunlight. give me air. give me food. give me plenty of time, and i will grow strong, and high, and will reach as far as i can go toward the sky. if i give my dreams that same kind of attention ~ plant them in soil, they will seed, they will grow, and i will watch them go. they will surpass me and spread far beyond this life, and into the next. if it will let me, i’d love to be what life has planned for me.”
-c.w. stone
“a dream plant may grow if we choose not to let it go.”

The Short Story
Electronic Dream Plant tells a story about a little boy, with astronauts on his sheets, dreaming up a little dream. He buys a dream plant with his mother and plants it in the backyard with his father. We watch the boy through childhood and we see him grow into a young man. We follow him through youth and into adulthood where something seems off, until one day he stumbles upon a little plant he had grown in the backyard. When he re-discovers the dream plant, we watch to see what it has planned for him and his dreams…

Electronic Dream Plant lyrics

C.W.’s Vision for The Dream Plant
The song and album by The Snake, The Cross, The Crown has done so much for planting seeds in C.W.’s story, and bringing this short to life. He hopes it will be an animated short film, where he can obtain rights to the song, and see the plant grow into something legendary. The story, loosely based on his journey, is about a boy with a dream, and a man who has re-discovered something that lays deep inside him.
C.W. Studios and his work are his dream plants, and what he does here hopes to further water, feed, give them sunlight, and nurture them, so they may have the permission to do their thing.
He wants to thank all his family, and friends, that grow with him, and make his life something strong and beautiful. He hopes you all too, can dream your dreams, sow your seeds, and plant something amazing.

Career Day Chat Q & A with C.W. Stone
C.W. talks to 4th and 5th Graders about C.W. Studios. Watch now!