Tucked in
The Screening Room…

Please take your seats, the show is about to begin…

We do apologize, the projector’s been acting up again. Mr. Capote seems to have been in here, there’s paper all over, and a half eaten bagel on the floor…
Oh, here we are - his watch seemed to be holding up the sprocket door…

Now Showing!

Welcome to the C.W. Studios Screening Room
Where watching movies is our specialty.
Reeling in The Screening Room… is C.W. Stone!
See what C.W. is watching now, yesterday, tonight, or plans to watch tomorrow. See what films he has seen every night in the last month by clicking through the calendar below.
Coming Soon!
C.W. plans to one day own a theater of his own for fans, co-creators, and collaborators, so we can all watch films together. Films of his own, and films of others, whenever he may choose, from C.W.’s real movie theater!
(donations highly, highly, welcome ~ just kidding, but not really, but kind of)
Now let’s see what’s showing in The Screening Room this month.
Now Showing Calendar
The James Bond “Quarantini” Movie Marathon
Until he finishes the entire series, C.W. will be watching the James Bond franchise in its entirety from start to finish. He will begin with the first of the series and end it with the very last. By the time you see this, he may very well be done with the entire series! He will finish the James Bond Quarantini marathon with the last and final Bond movie: No Time to Die, which is set to release in November of 2020. Mixed in with Bond, in the months before and after, will be films that C.W. fits in for his end of day watch. He watches one almost every evening, and you will be able to see what he’s been up to during his Quarantini break. He is determined and will not stop until he has consumed the entirety of Bond, James Bond.
Please visit The Video Store during our guided tour, where you can see C.W.’s rankings of his favorite to least favorite Bond films from 1-25. Spanning decades of movie making, C.W. will be seeing all the decades of the British spies’ adventures, escapades, villains, close calls, and Bond women in his screening room in just a few short months.
Also, stop by The Parlor where you can order Bond’s original Dry Martini (shaken not stirred) and also try C.W.’s very own Quarantini. We won’t tell you what’s in it yet…
you’ll have to visit The Parlor later to see for yourself.

You have 5 seconds to push that orange button and scroll down before this computer self destructs…
5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

The James Bond “Quarantini” Marathon

We hope you can continue to visit The Screening Room for the Now Showing Calendar frequently, for updates, recommendations, and to see what C.W. is watching next. You can even join him, and watch the movie he’s planning on watching from home. How great is that? A virtual, non-virtual, online, at-home, Quarantining, Cor-antining, Quarantini Movie Marathon! And it all starts with the man himself.
Stone, C.W. Stone.
As the summer endures, and C.W. Studios has now fully begun to open its Gates for the first time, we will also be starting our summer series of outdoor movie watching. Let’s spend some time outside, and see what C.W. is cooking up at the barbecue for his first screening series of the summer…

From The Vault:
Summer Series
Double Feature
on Zoom!
Quentin Tarantino’s
Death Proof @ 8:00pm
Robert Rodriguez’s
Planet Terror @ 10:00pm
A Double Packed Action Blast
Summer 2020!
Virtual doors open at 7:30 p.m. Intermission and Studio Q&A with C.W. Stone.
No video will be on except for the movies. Let’s get wild!

I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “what’s a Screening Room without anything to actually watch?”
We’ve got you covered! Would we ever lead you astray?
We now invite you to The Screening Room’s Triple Feature!
So relax, sink into your seat, and let C.W. Studios sink even deeper into you.

Where you can buy popcorn, soda, hotdogs, ice cream, and C.W. Studio’s NEW chewing gum…

The Coompa Woompa Sing-Along Song
Part 2