Checking in at Editing…

Feeling tired?
Look, there’s a motel.
Pull off the highway.
Press play, if you dare.

Welcome to
The Cutting Room
C.W. Studios

I’m Norman…

Did you say you were from…
out of town?

I hope Cabin 1 is okay.
Why don’t you settle in. Relax.
Take a shower…


The Novel and The Screenplay
Congratulations visitors, you have made it halfway through The Cutting Room here at the Studios. The others before you were usually cut in two… half way through, but you, you are cut from a different film, aren’t you?
Most visitors who fly by usually get caught in our little web… but you’ve seemed to make it out okay. We’ll see how you do down the second half of the page... Our editing department here at C.W. Studios not only celebrates the greatest spooky movie ever made, the greatest edited scene of all time, the genre of horror, and the slicing of film (oh, did I spell splicing wrong?)… it also celebrates the story that C.W. has brought to life in his own writing.
From his novel, to the adapted screenplay of that novel, C.W. is currently creating The Next Great American Story: an amalgamation of all that is… The Golden age of Hollywood/ horror & noir/ his favorite films & authors/ an introspection into his own light & darkness/ youth/ beauty/ birth/ death/ his fascination with fame, love, immortality/ & his favorite music album of all time. The album that started it all for him… the album of all music albums:
Let It Enfold You by Senses Fail.
The novel is American Terror.
The screenplay is:
Both are currently being written by the man himself and he hopes one day, when they are finished, that The Little Ones might have a chance to make it to the silver screen- to be cut and sliced all over the place. He believes in this one more so than anything he’s ever done, but it is still being written and the themes he hasn’t quite yet put his finger on. He is afraid that the story will kill him before he even gets to the end... While he continues to wrestle with the beast of what American Terror is, why don’t you learn about the music down below, but be careful. Mother’s watching…

The Album
Senses Fail’s Let It Enfold You has been such an influential album to C.W. in his teen and adult life. So much so that it may be the most influential to date. The themes and feelings in this album not only pushed C.W. to move to Los Angeles, but inspired his writing in college and thereafter. Since then, every other story has followed…
Now he picks it up again to spend more time with perhaps the passion project of his life. Or end of his life…
Above is the album cover, released in September 2004. It suggests the duality of man as he looks at himself in the mirror. This captivates every inch of who C.W. is. He will continue to discover what that really means for the rest of his days. I mean, what else could possibly remain unearthed from inside of him?
Below is a song from the album in which C.W. has titled his screenplay.
This is, Lady in the Blue Dress, by Senses Fail.
WARNING: Explicit language ahead. Parental discretion is advised.

The title of the album, pulled from a Charles Bukowski poem, repeats the phrase: “Either peace or happiness, let in enfold you.”

C.W. and his Studios hope to create a movement in which he can partner with the musicians of this album and bring his dark stories to light. As all art is pulled and inspired by other art, C.W. hopes to define a new type of mainstream genre and lifestyle that celebrates art from every aspect of life.
C.W. Studios is the place where art from all walks of life can be inspired and created as a fully functioning unit of productivity and positive change. He thanks you for your time at his Studio and in The Cutting Room,

and hopes his work and Studio will dazzle them all…
The way PSYCHO did.

Below are C.W. Stone’s Top 10 Horror Films of all time, in order, from center to right. The list starts of course, with Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 masterpiece, Psycho. Below that, are more films of the genre that he enjoys very much.
We are so glad you made it through little flies, now buzz off… Mother needs her bath. The rest of the Studio tour is moving on, so proceed onward and downward… to your demise.

Wait! Please don’t go!

Are you sure you want to go?
I’ll make it so enjoyable for you here…