Down in The Backlot…

Play me.

Written by C.W. Stone
Inspired by the music of
Third Eye Blind

this is…


At the
C.W. Studios

San Francisco
in the

The Screenplay

After a tragic death in his life, teen junkie Stephen Hodges meets the urban street princess, Annie Blue. He sees her as a substitute for the drugs, she calls it love. As he tries to flush the drugs and his best friend’s suicide out of his system, he breathes her in too deep...taking hits of the life she lives, and the intense love she gives. She says she’s from the sky and he’s from the earth. He has holes in his arm, and she has tattoos of the sun and stars behind her ears. Was she sent here from somewhere else? Or is she all in his mind? His horoscope reads that the comedown from Blue will be the worst he’s ever had,
so maybe he’ll never come down.

The music

The Holy Trilogy
Third Eye Blind
Self Titled
Blue spans a decade and a half of 90’s and early 2000’s San Francisco urban street life. C.W. Stone was born in the 90’s and is from the Bay Area. The time in which he was born and grew up, is hugely influential to him in all forms of the culture.
It contains sometimes graphic material and covers topics of love, addiction, fate, music, water, heartbreak, friendship and the outer reaches of life and space. This experience has been a dream to him and this is his love story to this music, and all things Blue.
Out of the Vein
The story is inspired by what C.W. believes to be the greatest three albums in succession by a band that has ever been written and recorded. He continues to revel and obsess at their beauty while they continue to elude him. They will forever be, his holy trilogy.

Just a little more taste of the drug…
A video that sets the vibe.
Watch below, the backdrop of Blue in The Backlot.
A music video of the greatest song of the 90’s & one of the greatest songs ever written.
Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind

Trailer Coming Soon!

Make Blue come true
C.W. Studios hopes to work with Third Eye Blind for a collaboration of a lifetime. He’d walk with his people, if he could find them, & he won’t stop ‘til he writes a song that’s his own.
Thank you for visiting The Backlot here at
C.W. Studios.
Swim down to The Cutting Room to leave the Blue, but be careful of the comedown…