The Parlor

Welcome to C.W.’s
Parlor Luxurior

Behind the bar of The Parlor…
A menu of favorite drinks from characters on film and even bigger characters in real life. Plus C.W.’s coined drink: The Quarantini.
Walk in, drink up, take a load off, and have a watch at the greatest bar scene in history, to begin.

“J&B Scotch Whiskey, no ice & a Corona!”
-Patrick Bateman ~ American Psycho

“The Redeye. Best hangover cure there is.”
-Brian Flanagan ~ Cocktail

“My precious is Rosé. It’s sweet and it matches the rose gold in my apartment. Favorite!”
-Celebrity Matt Ryan ~ Life

“Lou, give me a milk…chocolate.”
-George McFly ~ Back to the Future

The Menu
Browse a movie. Choose a character. Pick their drink. Become them for the night...

~The Quarantini~
Great for close-quarter Cor-antining & C.W.’s recently preferred cocktail. Perfect during a James Bond Quarantini Movie Marathon, or during any viewing occasion or party where a movie is involved.
Delicious & refreshing.
Here’s how The Quarantini is made.
One highball glass. A few ice-cubes (the colder, the better ). Ice cubes first, into the glass, followed by two shots of cascading Swedish Svedka brand Vodka. After Scandanavian style has been added, snap into an already cold, crisp, classic, original & American, Diet Coke. Fill close to brim, leaving a 1/4 inch at the top for fun. Then, 1/2 a lime, cut to preferred shape or design. Squeeze lime juice from the lime over vodka diet and drop the rest into the glass. Stir quickly to chill drink and sip with or without straw, depending on your slurping mood…
& most importantly,
Disclaimer: C.W. did not make up the drink. He just named it. All credit for drink idea and recipe to the crazy men below.

The Quarantinies
Kyle Burch
All credit to vodka diet mix to Kyle Burch and whatever else he has stashed away in that crazy head of his. Disclaimer: All photo credit, makeup, and design of costume & images of Kyle Burch are not C.W.’s.
Velizar Ionikov
All credit belongs to Velizar Ionikov for perhaps an even crazier head than the man previously mentioned. They are Quarantined together so you can imagine the hell that is their collective mind.

The Cocoanut Grove
The nightclub at the Ambassador Hotel (1921-1989) was frequented by celebrities who drank, dined, and performed there. From 1930 to 1943, six Academy Award Ceremonies were hosted at the hotel. As many as seven U.S. presidents stayed there from Hoover to Nixon. Well-known entertainers who stayed and performed were Frank Sinatra, The Supremes, Merv Griffin, Sammy Davis Jr., Liza Minelli, Nat King Cole, Judy Garland, Barbara Streisand, Vikki Carr, Liberace, Shirley Bassey, Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Dizzy Gillespie, Benny Goodman, Little Richard, Evelyn Knight, Lena Horne, Richard Pryor and Martin & Lewis.
The hotel was also the site of the assassination of U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968. In its rooms, it held rich American History and in its walls, stories of the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

We take you to the grove now
Stars, playing stars, talking about stars, in Hollywood at the Cocoanut Grove in Martin Scorcese’s The Aviator.
Leo Dicaprio as Howard Hughes, Cate Blanchett as Katherine Hepburn, and Jude Law as Errol Flynn.

The C.W. Story
Part 5

Last call…